November 16, 2012
Deacon Dennis Kelly
And while the experience happened
a few of months ago, the memories of the experience still linger in the minds
and hearts of all who participated.
The idea came from Ralph Quass, a
member of the IC-OLPH Social Action Committee.
The group then partnered with Catholic Community Services to deploy
groups of people to assist dozens of low income Everett area residents with a
variety of clean-up and assistance needs.
CCS says IC-OLPH was the only parish in Western Washington to
participate in Day of Caring in this way.
“We had people from all three parish
communities. We had Vietnamese, Hispanic
and (English language parishioners),” added Judy McNamara. In fact, when the large group gathered in St.
Mary’s Hall to prepare for their day they prayed the Our Father in all three languages before venturing out.
St. Theresa Nguyen was
instrumental to involving the Vietnamese community. Parishioner, committee member and Spanish
teacher Cara Hazelbrook shared the idea with the Hispanic community, but also
helped two teenage girls from the Spanish language community on the Day of
Caring to make sure they participated in a meaningful way.
Tim McNamara was moved by the
project he worked on. He and several
others served a man who lived right next to the Everett Country Club in
apartments for the some of the poorest people in the area.
There were no lights in the upper
floor apartment. The man’s lights had
been turned off some time ago. And there
was no hot water either. “I cleaned up
the kitchen. It was pretty messy with
stuff laying all around from weeks-worth of cooking. And it smelled,” said McNamara.
But McNamara says the experience
made the Gospel come to life for him as they lived out the call in Matthew 25
to help the “least of these brothers and
sisters” to see the face of Christ.
“It’s more real. It brings the
Gospel alive. That’s the reason we went,”
McNamara shared.
“It’s not necessarily about the poorest of living
circumstances, poor can be people unable to care for their (basic) needs,” said
The group plans to do another Day of Caring early in the
Lenten season. Stay tuned for more
To volunteer with Catholic Community Services, contact
Jeanita Nelson at 425.374.6319
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